Saturday, May 16, 2009

Truth of the World finally comes out.

Ok, so throw out your old perceptions of Evermore. Go on, put them into a box and throw them in the trash. Alternatively, you could burn them, give them to your grandma or maybe just send them on a holiday. Whatever you do, just make some room in your tiny little brains for the new Evermore.

By Vivienne Hill

Well, they aren’t entirely new, but just modified a little with a shiny innovative album, a changed image and a freshly adapted sound. They are doing what Madonna has done a million times; reinventing themselves. “Just hopefully with not as many naked photos as her,” says singer Jon Hume as he looks across the desk a little scared at me.

Aside from talking to me about the dwindling prospects of seeing Evermore naked, Jon also enlightened the fact that that the band have an album ready to be heard by anyone who will feast their ears on it’s glory. “Truth of the World: Welcome to the show” is a concept album about over the top trashy media (Kind of like this hyperbole you are reading now). “We just took inspiration from trawling through Youtube for the most over the top news stories and put all of that into songs,” says Jon.

Jon says Evermore have always wanted to do a concept album. “We grew up listening to concept albums,” he reveals. When someone says the words (concept album), I tend to think of terrible ones but there are a few good ones out there like Sargent Peppers and Dark Side of the Moon. There’s not that many good ones, but the ones that are good, are some of the best albums ever I think.” From the moment the album starts, there are no awkward pauses, and no breaks. “The album is like one big song. It takes you on a journey. Even if you took out one song the album wouldn’t be the same,” says Jon. “A lot of people download just one song these days and we really wanted to make a record that you don’t want to stop listening to.”

”Truth of the World: Welcome to the Show” was recorded and produced in the bands studio just outside Melbourne. “We got the opportunity to do the whole thing ourselves and it was really good,” says Jon. “In the past there’s always been someone coming in and going ‘I think that’s sort of…not right”. Sometimes people just want to come in and change things to make their mark even though they don’t need changing.”

With a new Evermore, comes new fans and Jon is excited about the prospects. “I think it might take our fans a little while to adjust to our new sound but I think people who haven’t been into our other records will probably enjoy it,” he says. “It goes from heavy rock, heavier than we’ve ever been to orchestral sections. There is a lot of different music in there.”

A new image and a peroxide attack on Jon’s hair is one thing but one question remains. Can Evermore shake the commerciality that has been placed upon their wary souls from day one by throwing out a concept album? “I guess we’ve always just made our music and people try to label it as commercial or indie or whatever but in the end it’s just music. I guess we just make our music and people make up their own mind about what they think of it,” says Jon.

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