Saturday, May 16, 2009

Are rules really for squares?





This Berlin based group have been pigeon holed as dream pop, shoegaze, lounge, easy listening, elevator music, electric jazz and more recently minimalist pop. Genres aside, they could also be described as awesome, innovative and very cheeky. But The Whitest Boy Alive aren’t any one of those things, they are all of them at once. ‘Rules’ does the opposite of what it suggests and breaks all the conventions of what it means to be a genre based artist. Rules? Who needs them? The Whitest Boy Alive have invented their own with this sound. It’s unlike any other and very groovy. Every track starts just as beautifully as the one before with Norwegian vocalist Erlend Oye’s voice providing a jazzy syncopated tone sporadically throughout. The song structures are irregular, with a few exceptions such as ‘Keep a Secret’ which provides the listener with a guitar hook to die for. The rules have been given by the Whitest Boy Alive. Will you keep them?

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