Monday, July 13, 2009

Van She Magic.

Well, haven't we had a huge week in music. The triple J's Hottest 100 of ALL TIME has been on the radio... Michael Jackson's funeral was on and in the sleepy little town of Brisvegas.. Van She played a gig.

Please see below.

Twas a rather chilly night in West End, but a warm welcome met us as we entered the Hi-Fi bar arena. The Hi-Fi is so effective because even the shortest people can see from most places around the room. The theatre like curtains opened to reveal Brisbane’s BMX. The vibrant 6 piece produced a few dance worthy tunes. It was a nice treat away from electro traditions to see a Saxophone being used. Their tones sparking similarities to New York’s Black Kids and The B52’s. The clear lens Ray Ban trend seems to be taking over the indie music scene with almost a quarter of the crowd clad in oversized black rimmed glasses. A lot of the people who wear them don’t even have eye problems. Members from support band Elke - also from Brisbane – were sporting those very glasses. Aside from their copycat fashions, their music was superb. They are clearly four boys with a heck load of passion for what they do. Some seriously super tunes emanating from their guitars, keys, and drums. It was about a half hour wait until the curtains would open again to reveal that Van She’s vocalist and bassist Matt Van Schie has dyed his hair brown. The rest of the bands were also there, playing their so called Vemixes. Unexpected surprises came as staple songs such as ‘Strangers’ and ‘Changes’ were altered so that choruses became synth infused instrumentals. Their eclectic visual display on the screen behind the stage fused sight and sound together producing a sensory overload. The band are getting better and better with each visit to Queensland. For lovers of electro, Van She are an essential experience that must be endured live for a proper education into their world.

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